Welcome to the American Bashkir Curly Registry’s website. The terms and conditions for any goods and services found on this site are provided for members and non-members alike. The ABCR offers member services and documents necessary to fulfill the mission of the Registry to register and promote Curly horses.
The services may include but are not limited to the advertisement of horses for stallion services (at stud) and or sales, on-line auction, or sale goods for the purpose of fund raising, announcements of interest to members, and public information related to the Equine industry. By accessing abcregistry.org, you agree and accept the terms and conditions below.
Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability
Services offered within this site are purchased for established fees found herein. Fees are subject to change from time to time as directed by the Board of Trustees. Horses and services offered for sale in the classified area are the sole responsibility of the seller. The ABCR accepts no responsibility for the condition or temperament of the animals sold or the honesty of the seller. Prices are set by the Seller. Purchases made based on advertisement from this site are through private treaty agreement between the Seller and the Buyer. The ABCR maintains the right to deny the purchase of ad space or remove advertisements that are not in the best interest of the Organization. The ABCR does not guarantee the sale of your horse or services.
The American Bashkir Curly Registry is a non-profit, 501c.5 entity. Items offered in the on-line auction are donated to the registry. In accordance with the IRS regulations for a 501c.5 organization, the value of the donated items are not eligible as a tax deductible donation for the donor. All proceeds for the donated items belongs to the American Bashkir Curly Registry and deposited to the general fund. Successful bidders may pay for their purchase by pay pal, credit card or personal check. Payment must be received by the office before the item is shipped. Shipping is included in the purchase price. Buyers agree to the purchase of used items, “as-is”. Items may be returned within 10 days to the Registry at the expense of the buyer. Refunds will be provided less the cost of shipping. Purchases of equipment, tack or services may be tax deductible as a business expense. The ABCR recommends you consult a tax expert.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.