- Regular ad: 6 pictures, plus video and website link, text maximum 100 words (please use this word count tool),
- Package: do 3 ads, get a 4th free
- at Stud ad: 6 pictures of stallion/3 pictures of progenies, plus video and website link, unlimited text
- Regular ad: 6 pictures, plus video and website link, text maximum 100 words (please use this word count tool),
- Package: 4 regular horse ads and 1 stallion ad
- at Stud ad: 6 pictures of stallion/3 pictures of progenies, plus video and website link, unlimited text
- Regular ad: 6 pictures, plus video and website link, text maximum 100 words (please use this word count tool),
- at Stud ad: 6 pictures of stallion/3 pictures of progenies, plus video and website link, unlimited text
Important notes
- Please pay your ad here.
- Please send pictures to us.
- Be sure to read our American Bashkir Curly Horse Terms of Use before filling out this form. You will be asked to confirm our Terms of Use in our online ad form.
- Place your ad in our online ad form.
- All ads are valid for 6 month.